Daytona 24 Hours 2024

NOTE: This event is over, you can read the writeup here.

Start Time: 1/20/2024 11:00 AM
Track: Daytona International Speedway

Rev up your engines, tighten your seatbelts, and get ready for the ultimate endurance racing experience as we dive into the heart-pounding world of the Daytona 24 Hours on iRacing! It's not just a race; it's a test of skill, strategy, and sheer determination as virtual drivers from across the globe converge on the iconic Daytona International Speedway.

From the roar of the engines to the precision of every turn, our virtual racetrack is set ablaze with the spirit of competition. Over the next 24 hours, teams will battle the clock, each other, and the unpredictable elements of the virtual world, all in pursuit of glory and the coveted title of Daytona 24 Hours champions.

As the sun sets and the darkness falls, the real challenge begins. Headlights pierce through the night, reflecting the intensity of the competition. It's a race against time, as teams navigate the twists and turns of this legendary circuit, facing not only their virtual rivals but also the mental and physical exhaustion that comes with a full day of high-speed racing.

So, buckle up as we embark on this incredible journey of adrenaline, teamwork, and pure racing passion. The Daytona 24 Hours iRacing special event is about to unfold, and the stakes have never been higher. Who will emerge victorious in this battle of virtual titans? Only time will tell.

Ladies and gentlemen, start your virtual engines, for the Virtual Thunder: Daytona 24 Hours is about to begin!


This event is over , and the write-up is here , here are the results

Race Time Driver Finish
1/20/2024 12:00 PM Casey Waters 9 ▲ 12
1/20/2024 12:00 PM Casey Waters 9 ▲ 12
1/20/2024 12:00 PM 9 ▲ 12
1/20/2024 12:00 PM 9 ▲ 12
1/20/2024 12:00 PM 9 ▲ 12
1/20/2024 12:00 PM Jason Dilworth 10 ▲ 11
1/20/2024 12:00 PM Jason Dilworth 10 ▲ 11
1/20/2024 12:00 PM Jamie M Pounder 17 ▼ 1
1/20/2024 12:00 PM Jamie M Pounder 17 ▼ 1
1/20/2024 12:00 PM
Chris Thacker
Håkon Eide Lindmo
Tim Penny
17 ▲ 2
17 ▲ 2
17 ▲ 2
17 ▲ 2
1/20/2024 12:00 PM Chris Chadderton
Daniel Gilding
Liam P Doyle
Ryan Scott Hamilton
10 ▲ 1
10 ▲ 1
10 ▲ 1
10 ▲ 1


Live Updates

Entered Cars


Car: Acura ARX-06 GTP


Car: Ferrari 296 GT3


Car: Acura ARX-06 GTP


Car: BMW M4 GT3


Car: Ferrari 296 GT3

Driver Comments

"I'm super excited for the upcoming Daytona 24. It's my first Nomad Team special event and I have really fast and strong teammates. I'm looking forward to what is going to be a big challenge. I think we have a really good shot at a good result. I'm hoping to put in a strong performance and build some momentum into the special events for 2024." Jason M Close Jason M Close
"The first endurance race of the year in Daytona is always special. I hope that my teammates and I can do a good job." Pablo Arteaga Pablo Arteaga
"Preparation for the 564 car has been going well so far. We have a solid driver lineup and a decent setup currently, which allows us to set consistent and competitive times. Personally, I have dedicated many practice hours and completed 300-400 laps, discussing and fine-tuning the setup. This has given me a lot of confidence leading into the 24-hour event at a track where I feel I can excel. Some further tweaks may be needed this week after the BOP adjustments, as well as discussions on strategy. At this point, I just want to get the event underway! Let's go!" Chris Thacker Chris Thacker
"I'm excited for my debut drive in the team to show my worth, and where better to do that than at Daytona. I have a good feeling about the race, with some fast and experienced teammates to match." Jamie M Pounder Jamie M Pounder
"I am thrilled with the preparations we have made. We were early to get all the basics in place, and now it's pretty much just fine adjustments left before the race." Håkon Eide Lindmo Håkon Eide Lindmo
"Happy with the partnership with old teammates whom I've tackled this event with previously, but it's been a while since driving a GT3 around Daytona for me. I was hoping to hit 5k before the race itself, but I'm more than happy to give it my all for the team once again in this exciting opener to the iRacing Special Event calendar." Ryan Scott Hamilton Ryan Scott Hamilton
"Despite not racing for a while, I'm feeling confident in myself and my teammates, and I'm looking forward to showing what we can do." &emdash;
"The iRacing special events are truly unique. It's exciting to be taking part in the first one of 2024, alongside two new driving partners for a special event. This lineup is expected to be the highest-rated one in the history of our team, and we're eager to deliver the best performance we can." Jason Dilworth Jason Dilworth
"I am very excited to return for this incredible team event. It is my 3rd Daytona 24hr after missing the past two years, and I am thrilled to give it my all for a great result for the team!" Casey Waters Casey Waters
"I'm really excited about this special event and can't wait to get in the car! The recent BOP changes are in line with our expectations, so I feel confident going into the final week of preparation. All we need to do now is fine-tune our setup and buy some snacks! Let's go, Nomad!" Liam P Doyle Liam P Doyle
"Hi Nigel. I'm feeling very positive about the race. I've always been strong at Daytona and in the GTP class. Despite the Acura having had the most BOP changes, I believe the team should still perform well. We have a strong lineup for this year, and everyone is committed to doing the preparation laps. We haven't selected a setup yet, but we will have one organized soon." Matt Distill Matt Distill
"I'm really up for the challenge. It's my first 24-hour race and I'm really looking forward to it. There are definitely some things to iron out in testing, but with this team and my teammates who I'm sharing the car with, I'm confident we can make this race one to remember. The competition is going to be fierce, but we have shown we can hold our own against bigger teams. I am ready for a tough 24 hours of racing!" &emdash;